Take Action

Stay in touch with Care for Cambodia by joining our mailing list. You’ll be notified when we add a new blog post and when a new opportunity arises. Who knows how you might affect lives when you leave the door open...

Spread the word about Care for Cambodia online, in person, or by inviting us to speak at your group, club, school or church.

There are hundreds of different ways of helping. Read our How Others Help page and get your creative juices flowing to uncover the unique ways you can help change lives.

See and experience the difference Care for Cambodia is making in the flesh, and change lives in a really hands-on way. You’d be surprised at how you can help...

We would appreciate any financial help. Your donation will go 100% towards bringing hope and new-life to the poorest of the poor in Cambodia

Don't underestimate the power of prayer! We pray for Cambodia constantly. To get you started, we've provided a list of prayer points.